"Start with a weak foundation,
you will end in ruins"

Friday, January 12, 2007

ok - I'm tired of making excuses for not updating the blog, so I'll just borrow this from tveskov.com

"Blogging = Knallert
Jeg tror at hardcore dagbogs-blogging på sin vis kan sidestilles med at køre knallert;

-Det er noget der for langt de flestes vedkommende står intensivt på i maximalt to-tre år. Nogen glade år hvor man hygger sig med vennerne og giver den gas og nyder den frihed det nye aggregat giver. En blog er en slags mental knallert hvor man med små midler kan eksperimentere og forhåbentlig ha’ det sjovt.

-De der bliver ved længere end de nævnte to-tre år går en andeledes skæbne i møde. Så kommer skuldertasken, den blå mælkekasse bagpå og de lange ensomme køreture på havnen. De desperate frostklare nætter hvor man bittert skriger "Hvorfor mig?" mod den uendelige natsorte himmel og (forkortet af red.)

-Flertallet prøver det måske kortvarigt og finder hurtigt ud af det ikke er noget for dem. Og de fleste af dem der holder ved i et-to-tre år bliver trætte af det og kommer videre med noget andet. Men de vil ha lært en masse og vil se tilbage på den gyldne år med en nostalgisk klump i halsen og mindes Puch Maxi’en eller Movable Type med varme følelser."

I think that's how I feel about blogging right now. Maybe it's because all sorts of new people discovered my blog; my mates from DJH and my parents and grandparents. It's not that I mind, or write anything secret here, that I don't want you/them to know.... but it was never the target audience. God only knows who the target audience actually was.
So I think I'll leave the blog alone for a while. See ya around.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

So, I haven't been bloggin' as much as I should have here during December, but with this lovely picture of the kiddo, I bid you merry Christmas...

Hope you all got what you wished for, my boots are still on the way.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Whooa, where did December just go!??!

It's been a good but rather stressful December 'round here. Lots of stuff to do on DJH, lots of stuff to do elsewhere.

Had a nice Christmas party with the DJH gang, and a very nice Christmas Party with the Gaffa crew. Unfortunately the last was marred my someone nicking my Anden på Coke DVD, which I had won fair 'n square in the music quiz (it's hard not to win, when you're on Kalle B's team). Seriously, who steals things at an office Christmas Party....

and I'm interviewing Brett Anderson on January 10th, how crazy is that?

Friday, December 08, 2006

ehh, an advert for this alcometer turned up on MSN when I logged on to my hotmail account... perfect for the Christmas Party how? As a party killer ("hey, your alcohol level is 0.6, maybe you should stop now") or to make the party run amok ("whoa, Frank from accountings alcohol level is 3.4 - if I just drink 5 more tequilas I can catch him, and be the biggest drunk of the party, whoa")? Oh well, if I had 800 dkr to burn, I still wouldn't spend them on an alcometer.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

and if there's nothing to blog about, I can always just put up more pictures of the kiddo

and honestly, can any place where Alexander Hleb treads on a daily ever really get rid of a polonium trail - his father fought giant rats at Tjernobyl for crying out loud!

This weekend there's double up on Christmas Parties, Friday with the DJH posse at Rarbar, and Saturday with the Gaffa gang - good times ahead.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I don't want to switch right now....

'cause everybody seems to be bitching about the new beta blogger!

And since the whole world and his uncle Joe (and by that I mean half my family and my excellent classmates at DJH) are dropping by my blog, I promise to update more often.

And now I got an article to write about a guy who tried just about every drug in the world, or in Odense at least, before he turned 20, and lived to tell me the tale.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Long time, no blog

Got the new The Cooper Temple Clause album for review, and it's really really good. Yes, I am a bit biased when it comes to the Cooper boys, but I really like this one.

And I just won this magnificent piece of clothes on ebay

3£, including S&H - talk about a bargain! And all you people to whom this is just a fugly white tee, may I just explain that this is an official Terris promotion shirt, nuff said!

At school we're doing interviews with people who've been in emotional turmoil of some kind, and with a bit of luck, my buddy Stefan has hooked me up with a young former drug user - good times.